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One Last Cookie and 12 Cookie Baking Lessons

December 23, 2011


You didn’t think I could go through 12 cookies in December without including the sugar cookie did you?

Come on, it’s a holiday classic!


And if you’re in extreme need of a no-fail basic sugar cookie recipe, try this one. It results in the fluffiest sugar cookie ever. Seriously, it was like a small biscuit.

But word to the wise, it has to chill for 2 hours, so plan ahead.


Told you. Small biscuit.


Sugar cookies aren’t the most sophisticated. But they’re just plain fun.

And because it’s the last cookie post (in this series, at least :P), here are 12 things I’ve learned. One for each cookie.
P.S. If you click on the picture it will send you to the original post!
1. Plan ahead, especially if you need softened butter.
Don’t even think about touching that microwave.


2. Don’t use a whisk to mix dough.
You’re probably saying duh right now. I am too now that I’ve seen what happens when you use a whisk.


3. If your dough doesn’t come together right away, don’t jump to add more flour or liquid.
Give it some time, and I bet it will come together.


4. Don’t judge a cookie by it’s cover.
Vegan doesn’t always mean healthy and whole wheat doesn’t always mean boring.


5. Cookies made with love, will taste like love.


6. Family cookie recipes never disappoint.


7. Crack your eggs in a separate bowl.
If you happen to get shells in the bowl, at least it won’t be in the same one as the one with the rest of your cookie ingredients and you won’t have to go digging through white chocolate chips or graham cracker crumbles to find it.


8. Some cookies are worth the extra trouble.


9. Don’t over refrigerate your dough.
2 days is over refrigerating.


10. Butter, white flour and sugar are not to be feared.
They’re to be eaten. Duh.
In all seriousness, I have eaten at least one cookie every day for the past 23 days and guess what. I’m not obese. Imagine that.


11 . Successful baking, like anything else, requires confidence.
If you believe you can do it, you can.


12. Chocolate chip oatmeal cookies are still my favorite.


Happy Friday and a very Merry Christmas, my friends.
4 Comments leave one →
  1. December 23, 2011 10:30 AM

    Yumm! Hahah great lessons and merry Christmas 🙂

  2. December 25, 2011 4:04 AM

    These have all sounded so amazing, and the sugar cookies are no exception–love that green frosting. Great life/cookie lessons as well 🙂

    Merry Christmas!

  3. December 29, 2011 6:15 PM

    I loved this series so much! 😀 I was living vicariously through your holiday cookie fun because I was too busy with school to make any myself! Awesome job, they all look delicious.

    • December 29, 2011 6:16 PM

      That makes me so happy to hear! Thanks, Lauren 🙂

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