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Birthday Things

July 12, 2012

How is it not Friday yet?

I’ll tell you, having your birthday on a Monday then taking Tuesday off to take 3 naps, get a massage and eat red velvet cake totally warps your understanding of what day of the week it is.  I could’ve sworn yesterday was Thursday.

Here’s how my birthday went.

Birthday breakfast.

Birthday rain.  And I didn’t even mind.

Birthday flowers from my lovely co-worker Amanda.  She didn’t even know tulips are my favorite.

Birthday pink.

Birthday nap.

Despite what you thought, I actually turned 60 on Monday and spent my birthday night at a Beach Boys concert.

Two concerts at Red Rocks in the past 2 weeks means a lot of stair climbing.  398 stairs to the top, my friends.

Guys, the concert was AWESOME!  The Beach Boys played 51 songs, sounded just like their CDs and had a crowd of thousands up on their feet dancing.  I would be lying if I said I wasn’t slightly out of control during Surfin’ USA.

I grew up listening to the Beach Boys and seeing them in concert was like a lifelong dream come true.  And they totally lived up to my dream.

Like I said, on Tuesday I took 3 naps, got a massage and sat around for hours reading, but I did manage to try out a new birthday present.  Unfortunately, new running shoes don’t give you the ability to suddenly run longer or faster.  Bummer.

Birthday dinner.  My mom is the best.

Birthday dessert.  No really, my mom is the best.

Surprise birthday present.  Totally didn’t expect to get a Kindle but I love it already!

Needless to say, my birthday was a success.

Also needless to say, I’m totally ready for it to be Friday.


What is your favorite Birthday dessert?

Are you a Beach Boys fan?

Are you a Kindle user?

Zucchini Bread Pancakes

July 10, 2012

Highlights of This Past Weekend:

Going to a party where you had to tell a joke before you were allowed to fill your cup at the keg.  I won’t repeat any of the jokes, as they were all wildly inappropriate.

Celebrating my brother’s birthday at the Olive Garden on Friday night.  They have this 2 for $25 deal which comes with two appetizers, unlimited soup/salad/breadsticks, 2 entrees and dessert.  I don’t know where I put it all.

Lunch and shopping in Boulder on Saturday.  I tried on a pair of jeans that were literally a foot too long.  Don’t worry, I didn’t buy them.

Getting stuck in the grocery store while it poured rain and hail.  Then having to run from the store to the car carrying 4 bags of groceries.

Watching 21 Jump Street on Saturday night, then getting into bed and reading till I literally couldn’t keep my eyes open.  Rain makes for perfect movie watching and book reading weather.

Manicures + even more shopping on Sunday with my mom and sister.  If it’s your birthday, you should definitely take advantage of all opportunities to not have to spend your own money.

These pancakes.

Zucchini Bread Pancakes

For when you come home from the grocery with 3 zucchinis and discover you already have 3 in your fridge and need to use all 6 up somehow.

  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1/2 cup AP flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 egg
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 medium zucchini, shredded
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips (optional, but highly recommended)
  1. In a large bowl, mix flours, baking powder, salt and cinnamon.
  2. In a second bowl, combine egg, milk and vanilla.
  3. Add wet ingredients to dry and mix until just combined.
  4. Fold in zucchini and chocolate chips.
  5. Let batter rest while your griddle heats up.
  6. Drop batter onto griddle by the 1/4 cup, cook until bubbles appear, then flip and cook until golden on the other side.
Serve with butter, syrup and a giant mug of caffeine.
I make a lot of pancakes and like to think I’m an expert pancake eater, so when I say these were great you should trust me.  I know how much most people (myself included) hate the word moist, but I can’t think of a better word to describe these and have you ever looked up moist in a thesaurus?  Trust me, the synonyms are even worse.
Wait wait wait, how’s this?
These pancakes taste like dessert.
I know you’re sold now.
Thank you all so so much for the many birthday wishes.  I had a fantastic day, but that’s a post for another day 🙂
What’s your best joke?
What was the highlight of your weekend/the week so far?
What word do you hate the most?

23 Things

July 9, 2012

Today is my 23rd birthday.  I may not be very old, but I’ve still managed to learn a few things in the past 22 years.  I thought I’d share.

1. Sisters are the best.

2. It’s okay to NOT be one of those people with a million friends.

3. You can’t always please everyone. It’s okay to be selfish sometimes and just make yourself happy.

4. You will never regret taking a vacation. But you will most definitely regret NOT taking one.

5. Trying new things is scary, but so worth it.

6. Never underestimate the power of a home cooked meal. And never take it for granted when someone else home cooks a meal for you.

7. Disneyland really is the happiest place on Earth. And New Orleans is the most fun.

8. Things don’t always turn out the way you want or expect them to. In fact, most things DON’T turn out the way you want or expect them to. Better not to set high expectations and be pleasantly surprised than to be disappointed when things don’t go the way you dreamed.

9. Things always look better in the morning.

10. Wiener dogs can make you forget all your problems.

11. Everyone likes Tom Hanks. Everyone.

12. Life is too short not to eat good food. Define “good” as you will.

13. It is possible to get a paper cut on your tongue.

14. Your printer will always run out of ink when you really need to print something.

15. When it comes down to it, being tan really isn’t important.  Well, to me anyways.

16. Moms always know what to say.

17. Good guys do exist.

18. Laughter is the best medicine. And dancing is a close second.

19. Some things are more important than fitting in a workout.

20. Service jobs are hard. Remember that when you’re the customer and be extra nice.

21. Everyone makes mistakes.

22. Sometimes you have to admit when you’re wrong.  Still working on this one 🙂

23. I still have a lot to learn.