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To My Dad

June 17, 2012

Who can’t be on time anywhere ever.

Who sings the same line of the same song over and over and over to himself.

Who has hundreds of emails in his inbox at all times.  Really, hundreds.

Who makes a trip to Whole Foods on a daily basis.

Who might have more clothes and shoes than the three females in the family.

Who cannot seem to figure out the whole cut and paste thing on the computer.

Who once microwaved a fork and ruined 3 electric tea kettles by trying to use them on the stove.

Who may not be the best driver.  Okay, who definitely isn’t the best driver.

Who is my ultimate source of Beatles knowledge.

Who loves tea and gets extremely cranky when he’s hungry.  Like father, like daughter.  Or rather, daughters.

Who has the best “when I was younger” stories.

Who considers most things to be finger foods.

Dad, you are a true original.  And I love you.

Happy Father’s Day!

4 Comments leave one →
  1. Mo dorsey permalink
    June 17, 2012 8:28 AM

    I remember some of those same things…good to know some things never change.luv aunt mo

  2. Mo dorsey permalink
    June 17, 2012 10:31 AM

    Hi lauren sitting here with grandpa jack he got a chuckle from your posting about pat

    • June 17, 2012 11:28 AM

      Aww, hi to you both! My dad was laughing so hard, so I guess he like the post too. Tell Grandpa Happy Father’s Day for me!

  3. June 18, 2012 7:24 AM

    Such a sweet/funny post about your dad!!

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