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Butternut Squash Sage Pizza

May 2, 2012

I started this post last week.

Before I had even made the pizza.  Really.

Back then, this pizza was just a wonderful dream I had brewing in my mind.  There were pillows of dough, velvety butternut squash, mounds of melty cheese, and perfectly crispy sage leaves in this dream.  There was no bad language, burnt fingertips or frustration involved.

Yeah, what a dream that turned out to be.

Here’s a true story: I put too much pressure on myself.  So when my beautiful pizza dream turned into a sticky misshapen disaster, I basically turned into the queen of negativity.  The queen of negativity with tourettes.

I got a pizza stone and a pizza peel for Easter.  Needless to say, we could not get that dough from the peel to the stone to save our lives.  At the time, all I was envisioning was all the pizza toppings toppling into the bottom on the oven and the dough getting smushed into a big topping-less mound on the pizza stone.

It didn’t happen, but when you’ve gone all negative, you imagine the worst.  It’s a talent I have.

So yeah, this wasn’t the shape I had in mind when I dreamt up this pizza and yeah, being that close to the oven for as long as it took to finally get the dough from the peel to the stone wasn’t exactly pleasant, but in the whole scheme of things, is a misshapen pizza really the end of the world?  Absolutely not!

And here’s the best part.  I was mostly upset, because I thought writing a post about this pizza had completely flown out the window, until someone very wise, told me I could totally still write about the pizza.  And that it would be ten times better than posting some award-winning recipe because it would be funny, and real, and completely honest.

I love that wise person.

And misshapen or not, we ate the whole damn thing.

13 Comments leave one →
  1. May 2, 2012 12:30 PM

    Haha that person was so right, and I totally loved this story! So glad you are your pizza 🙂

  2. May 2, 2012 1:21 PM

    Oh I have had MANY a misshapen pizza…still always tasty! 🙂 One trick that I’ve learned to get the pizza off the peel easier is to dust the peel with corn meal generously before you put the dough on there. Have you tried that? Shake the dough around a little to test and see if you have enough cornmeal (the dough should move around pretty easily) and then once your toppings are on that thing will slide right off onto the stone…it’s magical. And you can’t taste the cornmeal. I wish I had known to do this long ago…it would have saved me from a pizza fail incident where a whole pie fell apart and melted into a hideous glob onto the stone while my dinner company all watched in horror. Good times…

    • May 3, 2012 10:44 AM

      It makes me feel better knowing someone who seems like they really know what they’re doing in the kitchen has had some pizza mishaps too. We floured the peel, but not wish cornmeal. I’ll try that next time!

  3. May 2, 2012 2:31 PM

    I just have to say is that my Dad and I received a pizza peel for Christmas, and when we attempted to use it someone {not me} got so angry that the pizza wouldn’t come off that lots of throwing, cursing, and anger ended us up with a pizza peel split in two. Know you’re not alone 🙂

  4. brittney permalink
    May 2, 2012 4:29 PM

    Now all you need it a wood-fired oven! Kitchen mishap or not, it still looks delicious 🙂

    • May 3, 2012 10:42 AM

      I know, I felt like a professional pizza maker. That is, until I used the peel… 🙂

  5. May 2, 2012 8:54 PM

    lauren, that looks AMAZING! Who cares if it’s a little lopsided!? I’m sure it tasted amazing!

  6. Sheila aka Mom permalink
    May 2, 2012 10:53 PM

    You know more than one wise person?

  7. May 4, 2012 9:55 AM

    Keep listening to that wise person. It made a great post. We learn more from our mistakes and in retrospect have more fun with them. They make for great stories. And who says that that is not a great looking pizza. If I asked my 12 yr old, she would say” wow! how did you that . that looks cool ” :))

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