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July 31, 2012

This has officially happened.

Same writing style, same author, different page.

Won’t you join me there?

You Can’t Plan for the Unexpected

July 20, 2012

You know, I seriously planned on writing more than one post this weekend.

I planned on talking about all the fun things I did this week that distracted me from the fact that it wasn’t the weekend.

I planned on talking about the Rockies game I went to, the birthday dinner I had, the 300 Joey bowled, the two awesome runs I went on and the amazing slice of red velvet cake I had.

I did not plan on rain during the Rockies game.  Or having a horrible work week. Or being too tired, busy or stressed out to sit down and write out a decent post.  Or waking up on Friday morning to news of a shooting that left 12 dead and lots more injured, terrified and devastated in my home state.

And it’s a completely unpleasant reminder that unexpected things happen everyday.  You can’t plan for news of heart attacks or wildfires or mass shootings.  It makes it that much harder to understand, accept and react.  And it makes a little rain and some work-related stress seem so unimportant in comparison.

My heart goes out to anyone and everyone affected by the theater shooting.  Hoping no matter where you live, you do the same this weekend.

Why Can’t the Weekend Last a Little Longer?

July 16, 2012

Joey and I had a serious conversation over the weekend.  This is rare.

It was about how the week should really only be 4 days long and the weekend should be 3.  I’m talking 3 full days.  Having the very end of Friday off does not count.  Is there anyone who really likes having 5 workdays?

It does not help when weekends are so fun.

We hit up a new restaurant in Boulder for dinner on Friday night.  Joey also asked me where to park that was most convenient for the restaurant and the movie theater we were heading to after dinner.  The theater is literally a 1 minute walk from the restaurant.

Don’t go to a vegan restaurant and wonder why your bacon cheeseburger doesn’t taste like a bacon cheeseburger.

Guess it wasn’t so bad.

Have you guys heard of this movie?  It’s a Wes Anderson movie (he did Rushmore and The Royal Tenenbaums) and it was awesome!

I really loved it.

I officially have a margarita problem.

That I have no desire to cure.

Even if the Rockies are horrible and even if their games are completely depressing and even if I’m not paying attention, nights at the ballpark are still pretty fun.

Coffee, dachshund, porch.

I swear every Sunday, I wonder why there can’t be more Sundays in the week.  Sundays are for big leisurely breakfasts, grocery shopping, Sex and the City re-run watching, yoga-ing and hanging out with your mom.

I happened to do all of those things yesterday.

I love when my mom invites me over for breakfast.  And I love it when she supplies me with coffee.  And I love when she asks me to drive her to Petsmart and the Humane Society “just to look.”  And I love when she sends me home with fresh organic strawberries that she already cut up and half a red velvet cake.

Basically, I love my mom.

And the weekend.  We need 3 full days.  Who’s with me?


What’s your favorite day of the week?

What did you do this weekend?

What’s your favorite Sunday activity?